Monday, January 21, 2019

Notes on shortness

They want me to write my purpose as...
 something short. Hmmm.

I am not a tall person. At five feet, four inches, I've
gotten very used to not being able to reach things
stored on tall shelves. I look up to most people,
even other short people. Family reunions often include
jokes about God not being able to create a tall Varno.

My kids seem to have gotten their dad's height somehow.
When I write, I write long. I go on, and on, and then
edit down in search of shorter, clearer ways to say
things. Anyway, The message from this section of The
Path... is that short is good. While it might not be
my first inclination, I can live with that.  I'm already
used to it.

There Are three elements to a good mission statement.
1. A mission statement should be no more than a single
sentence long.
2. It should easily be understood by a tweleve year old.
3. It should be able to be recited by memory at gunpoint.

Examples of Excellent one sentence mission statements :
Abe Lincoln : Preserve the Union
FDR : End the Depression
Nelson Mandela : End apartheid
Mother Teresa : Show mercy and compassion to the dying
Joan of Arc : Free France
Nehemaih : Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem

Easily understood mission statements are stated in a way
that allows others, even children or brief aquaintences,
to recieve and understand your aim quickly and clearly.

The simplest, most straightforward missions are best.
Succinct and easy to understand mission statements are
effective communication. We need to understand the urgency
and importance of our mission if we are to make it happen.
The greater the mission, the more simply it can be stated.

Leadership that does not have the mission at the front of
their mind are not optimally running their organization.
There is risk of getting caught in lengthy, detailed,
tangental projects not part of your focused path.

In summary : Be short.


Focusing my entire life in a one sentence statement seems
both too simple and perhaps too difficult. My mind wants
to wander, and find ways to include more creative
components to whatever I do. I once read a theory that
described the concept of creativity as like having leaky
When a person is excersizing creative thinking, it is the
opposite of compartmentalizing. It is allowing diverse
precepts to combine in unexpected ways that generate novel
concepts. What's most interesting to me is : where do those
ideas come from? and what goals and problems might be
solved with the various combinations? and how can this
process be made conscious?

I feel that the academic understanding of creativity isn't
really the most important part of who I am anymore. This
is who I was after I went on a big soul searching journey,
just before I applied to go library school and became
pregnant with my daughter in the same week. But it is now
useful to revisit, because if I can cross reference that
part of myself against the part of me that is a mom and
against the foundational concepts of my two businesses,
it seems like that would put me in the vicinity of my true
mission in life on a soul level.

I want to consider the concept of elegance, an important
design principle in both my businesses. I can use it to
approach the creative challenge of designing my life with
a short mission statement. It is amazing to me right now
how I seem to have precisely identified a significant
personal challenge that I have encountered again and
again that has often been a barrier to my success. I tend
to overcomplicate things, then goals are not reached. I
want things to be hard, and I want my successes to seem
miraculous. What an odd pattern I've developed. Now, I
will need to overcome it as I work on this project.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Random Fun Idea

YouTube show idea:

Goal: Generate Public interest in spending money on genre
specific music.

Title:  (tbd)

Public access type thing
Take LaVar Burton's Reading Rainbow type show.
Where he takes kids book reviews
enrichment activities
Shows viewers interesting places that include
promoting Made in America manufacturing businesses
And work that real people do.

Make it about current day music
Feature YouTube published amateur album reviews
Quality music videos
Snips from celebrity Instagram Stories and Twitter.
(occasional music industry gossip)
label advertisements
Keep people up to date on memes of interest that are circulating

Make it like MTV meet E! crosses 80s Reading Rainbow
and their bizarre love child would be this YouTube channel.

Bring back something like MTV - but underground and YouTube. 
I would love to host such a show, but I haven't done a whole
lot of acting. I think i could do it with some coaching, or.... who
knows. Maybe I could get my daughter to do it.

Sunday, January 6, 2019


I was given this book The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and Life,
written by Laurie Beth Jones, by one of my very best mentors, Lisa Hill. Lisa is an
organizer for the Global Leadership Summit, which she brought to Rochester via The
Lightheart Institute. She offered it to me as an opportunitive tool to me for improving
my self-leadership, which I am sure will improve my life experience and general success
level.  The purpose of this blog is to summarize and reflect upon the the above mentioned
book with the ultimate goal of providing myself with a personal mission statement. It is
my greatest wish that you enjoy this journey in getting to know me and that you are also
inspired to ask questions to yourself about how you may perhaps find your own personal
mission statement that will lead you more directly to your own best life.


The key to being successful in life
is to know your mission. It is a reason
for being. It provides meaningful path
that may direct activities, and creates
the opportunity for focus. It can  also
signify a change in direction.  Creating
a mission statement is often an arduous
process. For many people or groups it
takes months or even years. This book
offers a formula to simplify the process
and provide greater clarity.

A mission statement is a powerful tool that
will help with positioning, decision making,
and an answer to “what am I about?” It helps
know what sort of activities will move one in the
right direction. It allows one to transcend “jobs” and maintain a purpose with or without
employment, as everything you do is a means toward a well defined end. It can help navigate
relationships and endure highly challenging external situations. “A personal mission statement
acts as both a harness and a sword - harnessing you to what is true about your life, and cutting
away all that is false.”

Each of us must constantly face the questions “where now?” and “what next?”  This book is
written to help define your personal mission statement and provide tools to help accomplish it.
Not finding it, but rather fulfilling it.  While it offers a formula, it’s more about the evolutionary  process as revolutionary life changes unfold.

“People with clearly defined life missions have always led those who haven’t any. You are either
living your mission, or you are living someone else’s. Which shall it be?”

My Reflection:

At the onset of this process, I am grateful to Lisa for the book, and optimistic about this particular
portion of illuminating my personal leadership.  It looks like it is going to be very helpful.  I know
enough about myself to be able to say that this is precisely the sort of tool I need to achieve a
fulfilling life.  

I thought I found my calling in 2008 when I applied to a master's program in library science. Wrote
my application essay and got pregnant the same week!  I graduated with $80,000 of debt and (Ooops!) two kids under the age of two in a tight job market (ahhh trippple ooops doesn't even
begin to describe).  I felt that the possibility of achieving any kind of "best life" slipped out of my
grasp as the challenges of that sort of motherhood took over. Meanwhile, most of my support network abandoned me to go live their own best lives.  Basically, I became lost in a deep, dark fairy tale

The years spent at home, searching for my true self within, studying hard and earning
excellent grades only to find my goal was nothing but a feminist mirage, and the
exhausting work of raising two young children with minimal help led me to feel uncertain
and aimless in my approach for life. The stress that situation placed on my new husband
was beyond what anyone should have to endure, then that in turn placed far more stress
on me and my two babies than could provide us with a successful start to their precious
and important young lives. And mine.  Now my oldest is ten, and it is time that I, at
long last, find a way to escape from the quagmire that the events of 2008-10 created for

I desire to live authentically, abundantly,
 happily, and provide my children with a
good life.  I desire to enjoy inspiration
and creativity, yet remain grounded in
logical solutions and practical routines.
Now, at 36 years old, it is time once
again to dig deep. Ask the question
"what am I about?" and find the answer.
This time I have more tangible life
experiences to consider rather than the
nebulous thoughts of an early 20-something.

These days I seem to be "busy," but to what end?  Getting lost in the internet takes me away
from other tasks I should be doing, and I've had more hobbies than I can count.  I'm a person
that can generate many creative ideas, but which do I implement? What is the best way to divide
my time? Among all the perceived weaknesses I imagine to be true about myself, I am looking
forward to defining “what I’m about” in such a way that will reduce the aimless component to
my life and solidify my personal truth and world view so that I will have a proper lodestar from
which to base my decisions.  I sincerely hope it will provide me freedom from involuntarily
imposed ‘truth’ about my life and false marketing from others that has become a rampant thinking
distortion in society these days. I would like to be consciously in control of who I am and what
I’m about so that I may place my best foot forward and be the changes that need to happen in
this world. I am ready to cut away all that is false.  I am ready to distill all this truth and information that I’ve been collecting and create products that represent what’s needed for the evolution of
humanity able to harmoniously and happily exist on planet earth.